Sunday, May 1, 2011

30 day challenge - day 05

yes, i'm still here, and don't really have any excuses for not blogging lately; other than laziness and homework. 

so...on another note, day 05: a picture of your favorite memory

well, there are plenty of memories i've had in my childhood.  all of them were equally great, so none can really be labeled as one specific favorite. but due to a great memory and cute (well, i think) picture, the cottage got chosen. every summer, my family, my cousin's family, my grandpa & grandma, and my uncle would all spend a couple days at the cottage together. this cottage was a very small cottage, and we were always cramped (especially in the latter years when we had 3 more little ones).  and, it was always extremely hot, or rainy and dreary. but somehow, we always had lots of laughter, and we always had fun.

great memories were always made at that little, yet sweet place.


  1. We weren't there as much as you , but it was fun. I think that's a cute pic too!

  2. It was fun and you were cute
